
Robarts Research Institute

Research points to early detection for Alzheimer’s disease

Research points to early detection for Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers at Western University are looking at both brain metabolism and brain structure to pinpoint early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. By looking specifically at an area of the brain responsible for remembering past personal experiences, which is one of the first...

New study advances quest to better understand consciousness

New study advances quest to better understand consciousness

In his landmark 2006 study, Western University’s renowned neuroscientist Adrian Owen and his collaborators showed for the first time ever that functional neuroimaging can reveal conscious awareness in some patients who appear to be entirely vegetative and can even...

Scientists find potential way to defuse ‘time bomb’ of cardiology

Scientists find potential way to defuse ‘time bomb’ of cardiology

They have been called the ‘time bomb’ of cardiology - ascending aortic aneurysms grow for decades without any warning signs and can be fatal once they rupture. They have taken the lives of well-known actors Alan Thicke and John Ritter and are a leading cause of death...

Leveraging technology to diagnose psychiatric disorders

Leveraging technology to diagnose psychiatric disorders

Psychiatric disorders are often difficult to diagnose. As research advances, we are learning there are multiple subtypes of illness that differ in symptoms and treatment needs, making classification even harder. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one example....