
Western audiologists to visit local elementary school for International Hearing Day

Recreational noise-induced hearing loss is a rising concern for youth and teenagers, and children’s activities may place them more at risk. In an effort to educate local children about the importance of protecting their hearing, Western University’s National Centre for Audiology visits grade 4 classes at London elementary schools to provide everyday tips for ear […]

 February 27, 2015

 February 27, 2015

Recreational noise-induced hearing loss is a rising concern for youth and teenagers, and children’s activities may place them more at risk. In an effort to educate local children about the importance of protecting their hearing, Western University’s National Centre for Audiology visits grade 4 classes at London elementary schools to provide everyday tips for ear health and safety.

The program is available throughout the school year, but to mark International Hearing Day media are invited to visit Ms. Susan Vuylsteke’s grade 4 class at St. John Catholic French Immersion School on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 11:00am, to see the Sound Sense program in action and learn more about hearing health.

Sound Sense is a free program designed and sponsored by The Hearing Foundation of Canada, which helps audiology students empower kids to protect their hearing, and avoid risks, such as blaring music through their ear buds – a preventable form of hearing loss.

The World Health Organization’s International Hearing Day is Tuesday, March 3. This year’s theme is “Make Listening Safe” and reminds us that once hearing is lost, it won’t come back.

Margaret Cheesman, associate professor at the National Centre for Audiology, is also available to media to discuss how audiologists can help to prevent hearing loss, as well as provide assessment and technological aids to help people living with hearing loss. Professor Cheesman teaches the course on noise and hearing conservation for audiologists and has incorporated Sound Sense into Western’s audiology program.

WHAT: Western audiologists teach local grade four students about hearing loss
WHERE: St. John Catholic French Immersion School (449 Hill Street, London)
WHEN: Monday, March 2, 2015 at 11:00am
WHO: Matt Lucas, Sound Sense Coordinator, The Hearing Foundation of Canada and Western’s National Centre for Audiology


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