Experts available on topics related to Valentine’s Day
Topics include the origins of Valentine’s Day, consumerism and modern dating

Experts available on the economic impacts of a Canada-U.S. trade war
Topics include impacts on the economy, trade and supply chains, buying Canadian and Canada-U.S. relations

Western experts available on the Ontario election
Experts are available to media on topics including voter attitudes, tariffs, economy, health-care management and more

Western nootropics lab investigates brain health benefits of ‘smart’ foods and drinks
Raymond Thomas has launched Canada’s first nootropics food lab at Western. The biology professor and his team, including an in-house chef, will create new recipes and cooking techniques while testing, validating and assessing the brain health benefits.

Western and Canadian Race Relations Foundation researchers develop tool to aid in prosecution of hate crimes
Tool provides insights on more than 15 years of case law and more than a hundred cases