
Ontario Shelter Research Project to deliver first findings

The first findings of a massive collaborative study into the role shelters truly play in the lives of abused women and their children will be released Thursday, August 30th at Western University.

 August 29, 2012

 August 29, 2012

The first findings of a massive collaborative study into the role shelters truly play in the lives of abused women and their children will be released Thursday, August 30th at Western University.

Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Ontario Shelter Research Project has recently completed its first phase, which was to develop an inventory of the province’s shelter services and to identify how these shelters link women to community-based services.

The findings of this research will assist shelters in evaluating their services using tools and techniques that reflect their multi-dimensional, woman-centred approach and to better provide these services in diverse settings.

WHEN: Thursday, August 30, 2012 at 10 a.m.

WHERE: The Community Room, Althouse Building, Room 1139, Western University

WHO: Key investigators from the Ontario Shelter Research Project, including Team Lead Michele Hansen (Huron Women’s Shelter), Linda Ense (Native Women’s Centre in Hamilton), Clare Freeman (Interval House of Hamilton) and Kate Wiggins (Women’s Community House in London), Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Roma Harris, Nadine Wathen (Western University) and Barb MacQuarrie (Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children).

Following the formal presentation, members of the Ontario Shelter Research Project will be available to the media for one-on-one interviews.

MEDIA CONTACT: Ashley Conyngham, Community Relations Specialist, 519-494-9716


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