The President of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, a game-changing neurologist and academic leader, an award-winning CBC journalist and one of the country’s premier power couples will receive honorary degrees when Western University hosts its 302nd Convocation this fall.
The ceremonies are scheduled for the following days:
Perrin Beatty
Thursday, October 31, 10 a.m.
Doctor of Laws, honoris causa (LL.D.)
Perrin Beatty is President of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Chancellor of The University of Ontario Institute of Technology. A Western graduate, he was elected to Parliament at 22, serving for 21 years. In 1979, he joined Joe Clark’s cabinet, at the time, the youngest federal Minister ever. He held six other senior portfolios in subsequent Progressive Conservative governments. After politics, he served as President of the CBC (1995-1999) and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (1999-2007).
Kelly & Michael Meighen
Thursday, October 31, 3 p.m.
Doctor of Laws, honoris causa (LL.D.)
A Western graduate and a former member of the University’s Board of Governors, Kelly Meighen is President of the T.R. Meighen Family Foundation. She has also served as Chair of the CAMH Foundation and the Stratford Festival. The Hon. Michael Meighen is a lawyer and former Canadian senator, who until this fall was Chancellor of University of King’s College in Nova Scotia. He is the Chair of the T.R. Meighen Family Foundation and has also served as Chair of the Stratford Festival. Both have extensive backgrounds in community service and are known as committed volunteers. Through generous philanthropic donations, the Meighens have supported youth-at-risk, education, mental health, healthcare and the arts.
Dr. Thomas Feasby
Friday, November 1, 10 a.m.
Doctor of Science, honoris causa (D. Sc.)
One of the country’s most notable neurologists, scientific directors and medical leaders, Dr. Tom Feasby has made outstanding contributions in shaping and improving Canada’s health care delivery and policy during his academic career. Trained in neurology at Western, Dr. Feasby made significant scientific discoveries, advancing our understanding of nerve diseases, during his 14 years as a Western faculty member. Having served as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary from 2007 to 2012, he also founded Canada’s leading stroke program in Calgary, and the Calgary Neuromuscular and ALS Clinics. 
Adrienne Arsenault
Friday, November 1, 3 p.m.
Doctor of Laws, honoris causa (LL.D.)
Now based in Toronto, Adrienne Arsenault was previously CBC-TV’s London (U.K.) correspondent, a position she took up in the fall of 2006 after having spent the previous six years in Jerusalem and Washington, D.C. Since she joined CBC in 1991 as an editorial assistant, Arsenault’s assignments have included disasters, conflicts, politics, sports and basic human dramas. The Western alumna has won and been nominated for several Gemini awards, named the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association’s journalist of the year in 2005 and won a Gracie Award for Outstanding Reporter/Correspondent in 2009.
MEDIA CONTACT: For more information or to arrange interviews with the honorary degree recipients on the day of Convocation, please contact Jeff Renaud, Senior Media Relations Officer, at 519-661-2111, ext. 85165 or