With the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics just weeks away, experts from Western University’s International Centre for Olympic Studies (ICOS) are available to media for commentary.
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ICOS Director Janice Forsyth is available to discuss socio-cultural issues such as politics, commercialism, doping, equity, and governance of the Olympic Games, as well as breaking news items from the XXII Olympiad.
Forsyth, who specializes in Aboriginal participation in the Olympic Games, can be reached directly at janice.forsyth@uwo.ca
Former ICOS directors Kevin Wamsley, author of “Global Olympics: Historical and Sociological Studies of the Modern Games,” and Bob Barney, co-author of “Selling the Five Rings: The IOC and the Rise of Olympic Commercialism,” are also available to the media.   
Wamsley, currently serving as Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) for Western’s Faculty of Health Sciences, can be reached directly at kbwamsle@uwo.ca
Barney, a Professor Emeritus at Western’s School of Kinesiology, can be reached directly at rkbarney@uwo.ca
To arrange a phone or studio interview with Forsyth, Wamsley and/or Barney, please contact Western’s Senior Media Relations Officer Jeff Renaud at 519-520-7281 or via email at jrenaud9@uwo.ca
For regular updates, media are also encouraged to follow ICOS on Twitter: @westernuOlympic
Commentary reflects the perspective and scholarly interest of Western faculty members and is not an articulation of official university policy on issues being addressed.  
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