Why must Canada become the 21st century leader in international education? Because the country needs top talent to fuel innovation, drive economic prosperity and propel its society forward.
Tasked with developing a framework for how Canada would achieve this goal and let the world know about its world-class post-secondary institutions, the Advisory Panel on Canada’s International Education Strategy (https://www.international.gc.ca/education/advisory-consultation.aspx?view=d) — led by Western President Amit Chakma — delivered its final report to the Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, earlier today in support of the government’s Global Commerce Strategy.
“During our deliberations, I was struck by Canada’s capacity to welcome international students and the social and economic benefits they bring to post-secondary institutions, to local communities and Canada as a whole. We heard this message across Canada,” says Chakma. “The quality of education offered in Canada can no longer remain a well-kept secret. Attracting the best international students will ensure the world sees Canada as the place to be for top talent, global partnerships and business opportunities.”
The 122-page report, commissioned by the government in 2011, titled International Education, a Key Driver of Canada’s Future Prosperity, outlines a vision for Canada to successfully attract top talent from around the world to study, conduct research and increase collaboration between Canadian and international academic institutions.
Highlights of the report include:
– Double the number of international students choosing Canada from 239,131 to 450,000 by 2022 without displacing any domestic students
– Create 50,000 opportunities per year for Canadian students to go abroad for study and cultural exchanges
– Introduce 8,000 new scholarships for international students, co-funded by the Canadian government
– Improve education visa processing to provide consistent and timely processing for high-quality candidates
– Target promotional efforts towards priority markets, which include China, India, Brazil, the Middle East and North Africa, while maintaining traditional markets like the United States, France and the United Kingdom
For more information, including the complete report, please visit https://communications.uwo.ca/media//intl-edu-panel/