
Research & Innovation

Astronomers detect most energetic outflow from a distant quasar

Astronomers detect most energetic outflow from a distant quasar

Researchers, led by Western University's Sarah Gallagher, using the Gemini North telescope on Hawai'i's Maunakea have detected the most energetic wind from any quasar ever measured. This outflow, which is travelling at nearly 13% of the speed of light, carries enough...

Western University researchers begin work on COVID-19 vaccine

Western University researchers begin work on COVID-19 vaccine

A multidisciplinary team of Western University researchers is beginning work on the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. They join the global effort to curb the spread of the virus which to-date has been confirmed in 225,000 cases worldwide, and has caused more than...

Researchers solve mystery of Tuvan throat singing

Researchers solve mystery of Tuvan throat singing

An international research team has uncoupled the mystery of how Tuvan throat singers produce distinctive sounds in which you can hear two different pitches at once – a low rumble and a high whistle-like tone. Fascinated with how this form of throat singing, known as...

Western University researchers play key roles in COVID-19 response

Western University will be a key player in an accelerated national effort to understand and control the spread of COVID-19. Faculty of Health Sciences professor Maxwell Smith is leading a project examining the ethics underlying rapid research and development of...