Western University’s Institute for Earth and Space Exploration (Western Space) has landed a major contract from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to develop an Integrated Vision System for future rover missions that could ultimately represent a flagship Canadian...
Faculty of Science
First evidence in more than a decade of endangered and ‘weird’ shark traveling to Canada
Named one of the world’s ‘weirdest’ animals by National Geographic, basking sharks are also the second largest shark after the whale shark. They are also Canada’s most endangered marine fish as the Pacific Ocean population is almost extinct. That’s why any...
International study looks to protect and conserve critically endangered shark species
Mackerel sharks are large, fast-swimming apex predators that include Hollywood heavy hitters like great whites (Jaws), mako (Deep Blue Sea) and the now-extinct Megalodon (Meg). One of the smallest mackerel sharks is the porbeagle – on average less than two metres long...
Giant beavers didn’t eat wood and that’s likely why they didn’t survive the last Ice Age
North American beavers, which weigh between 25 to 75 pounds as adults, are the largest rodents living in Canada. That’s today. Go back 10,000 years to the last Ice Age and giant beavers – roughly three times larger than the modern North American beaver – walked the...
STEAM big with Science Rendezvous @WesternU
Western University faculty, staff and students host the third annual Science Rendezvous @WesternU this weekend at TD Stadium. A national science festival taking place in 25 cities across Canada, Science Rendezvous brings together communities to experience the joy of...
Western welcomes CSA astronaut Dave Williams for Space Day
This week, astronaut David Saint-Jacques became the fourth Canadian to complete a spacewalk. Today, scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration presented the first-ever image of a black hole to a global audience. Space, literally and figuratively, is all...
Research confirms Canadian financial advisors are reliable barometers for broader economy
Canadian financial advisors are remarkably attuned to changes across a wide range of broad economic indicators – from GDP and inflation to employment and housing prices – according to five years of data from the Advocis Financial Advisors Index (FAI) compiled by...
Western’s CPSX supports new space mission led by CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques
While in space, Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut David Saint-Jacques is using his vantage point from aboard the International Space Station to explore Earth. Saint-Jacques is observing our planet to better understand its geological, environmental and ecological...
Western planetary scientists assist in capturing first full-colour image of NASA InSight using HiRISE space camera
Houston, there is no problem here. Eric Pilles assisted in capturing – for the first-time ever – extraordinary and highly significant scientific images of the NASA InSight robotic lander using HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment), the camera currently...
Black widow spiders rely on posture and body dynamics for survival and sex
A new study led by Western University’s Natasha Mhatre shows that body dynamics and posture are crucial to how black widow spiders decode the important vibrations that travel through their webs and up their legs. Black widows rely on these vibrations for sexual...
Boy meets world: Life-long space buff and Western graduate student discovers exoplanet
Ever since Chris Fox was a young boy, he wanted to visit alien planets. With no immediate plans for such a voyage, the Western University graduate student has done the next best thing. He’s gone and found one. Teamed with Paul Wiegert, Graduate Program Director at...
Canadian Space Agency announces Western’s Sarah Gallagher as its first Science Advisor
Longueuil, Quebec - The Government of Canada is committed to strengthening science in its decision-making, supporting the vital work done by Canadian researchers and ensuring that government science is fully available to the public. In keeping with these national...