
Social Science

Why people with autism sometimes fail to see ‘the big picture’

Why people with autism sometimes fail to see ‘the big picture’

New findings by Melvyn Goodale from Western University's Brain and Mind Institute, in collaboration with Australian researchers at Swinburne University of Technology and La Trobe University, show that people with high autistic tendencies see the world very differently...

Western’s Leadership and Democracy Lab to host post-election panel

Western’s Leadership and Democracy Lab to host post-election panel

Western University's Leadership and Democracy Lab is hosting a post-Canadian federal election panel on Tuesday, October 20, which will feature experts from Western's Department of Political Science and the Ivey School of Business. After delivering opening statements...

New Western-led research facility looks to protect our rivers

New Western-led research facility looks to protect our rivers Western University geography professor Adam Yates has developed a better way of understanding how actions on land affect life in our waterways. Yates and his colleagues have recently constructed the Thames River...

Western to host observatory viewing for rare eclipsed Supermoon Sunday

Western to host observatory viewing for rare eclipsed Supermoon Sunday

The Moon will move completely into the Earth's shadow – a spectacle known as a total lunar eclipse – this Sunday (September 27). For southwestern Ontario, this will be the last chance to observe a total lunar eclipse until January 2019. Western University's Department...

Western students receive high marks at The Undergraduate Awards

Western students receive high marks at The Undergraduate Awards

Emma Rose Bonanno and 26 Western University colleagues were named among the international winners of The Undergraduate Awards, a worldwide competition recognizing top undergraduate work. In total, Western boasted 30 papers from across 14 categories cited as 'highly...