

New international partnership launches Western into space

New international partnership launches Western into space

As a child, Jayshri Sabarinathan looked to the heavens most nights from her family’s apartment terrace using her prized possession – a telescope – desperate to catch a glimpse of the infamous Halley’s comet zooming though the sky. Fast forward 34 years and a new...

Early Mars was covered in ice sheets, not flowing rivers

Early Mars was covered in ice sheets, not flowing rivers

A large number of the valley networks scarring Mars’ surface were carved by water melting beneath glacial ice, not by free-flowing rivers as previously thought, according to a new study by Western and University of British Columbia researchers. The findings...

Western’s first steps in getting Canada to the Moon

Western’s first steps in getting Canada to the Moon

In February, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Canada is joining the international effort to explore the Moon with robots and, eventually, humans. In order to prepare for these future missions, a team of Western University faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate...

Bright fireball event near Bancroft, Ont. may have dropped meteorites

Bright fireball event near Bancroft, Ont. may have dropped meteorites

A fireball as bright as the full moon was observed by the Western University All-Sky Camera Network across southern Ontario and Quebec 2:44 a.m. ET this morning (Wednesday, July 24). Western’s Physics and Astronomy Department runs an all-sky camera network in...

Gram-sized gifts of the solar system drop to Earth near London

Gram-sized gifts of the solar system drop to Earth near London

Tiny fragments from the asteroid belt sizzled to Earth near London International Airport this week, Western University sky cameras show. Likely smaller than a baby’s fingernail, they’re the remnants of a meteoroid that briefly shot across the sky Sunday night — a...