
Year: 2015

Reducing strokes may prevent the development of dementia

Reducing strokes may prevent the development of dementia

A worldwide call to action, spearheaded by Western University researcher Dr. Vladimir Hachinski, is calling for more attention to the link between reducing strokes and preventing dementia. Approximately 747,000 Canadians live with dementia, including Alzheimer’s...

Western University issues notice of weekend bridge closure

Western University issues notice of weekend bridge closure

The London community is advised that from October 31 – November 1, 2015, Western University will close the University Drive bridge across the Thames River to accommodate inspection and assessment of the bridge. No vehicular traffic will be permitted during this...

Western’s Leadership and Democracy Lab to host post-election panel

Western’s Leadership and Democracy Lab to host post-election panel

Western University's Leadership and Democracy Lab is hosting a post-Canadian federal election panel on Tuesday, October 20, which will feature experts from Western's Department of Political Science and the Ivey School of Business. After delivering opening statements...

Western hosts hands-on engineering workshop for girls this weekend

Western hosts hands-on engineering workshop for girls this weekend

  Western University is hosting Go ENG Girl, a free event that encourages girls in grades 7 though 10 to have fun as they learn about current programs of study and careers in engineering. Hands-on workshops allow participants to experience the creativity,...

New Western-led research facility looks to protect our rivers

New Western-led research facility looks to protect our rivers Western University geography professor Adam Yates has developed a better way of understanding how actions on land affect life in our waterways. Yates and his colleagues have recently constructed the Thames River...