Some experts in Canada are considering a ‘circuit breaker lockdown’ to help control the surging case counts of COVID-19. Dr. Nitin Mohan, Assistant Professor at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, is a physician epidemiologist who teaches...
Year: 2020
‘Conscientiousness’ key to team success during space missions
NASA is working towards sending humans to Mars by 2030. If all goes according to plan, the flight crew’s return trip to the red planet will take about two-and-half years. That’s a long time to spend, uninterrupted, with co-workers. Now, imagine if the astronauts don’t...
Racialized trans and non-binary Canadians report increased harassment and violence
For the first time, researchers have survey results about the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary Canadians who also identify as—or say they are perceived or treated as—people of colour. This group faces increased levels of physical violence, harassment and...
Global study on preoperative testing adds to evidence on safe surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic
A new global study provides further evidence about how to continue with safe surgery during the pandemic, and has also led to the launch of a dedicated toolkit to guide hospitals in keeping elective surgery up and running safely. The study, published in the British...
Digital tool developed at Western assesses privacy and effectiveness of contact tracing apps
A new tool developed by a team of Western University computer scientists performs a digital deep dive on the near-endless stream of contact tracing (CT) mobile apps currently available on the market to evaluate their effectiveness and, more importantly for most, their...
Expert Explainer for World Diabetes Day: Dr. Irene Hramiak on advances in diabetes care
World Diabetes Day is marked every year on November 14 to draw attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world. While there have been major advances in diabetes care in the last century, rates of diabetes continue to rise globally and cause lasting...
U.S. politics expert available to comment on President-elect Joe Biden’s first steps
Matthew Lebo, chair of Western University’s department of political science, is available to comment on U.S. President-elect Joe Biden and the road ahead without the support of a Democratic Senate. An expert on the presidency, political parties, elections and...
Ebola ’emergency’ vaccines provide ethical blueprint for COVID-19 response
Despite not having safety and efficacy data from the final phase of clinical trials, China and Russia have already started COVID-19 vaccinations and have been widely criticized for prematurely exposing the public to these unlicensed vaccines. While this approach...
Biden in great position to win U.S. election
Matthew Lebo, the chair of Western University’s department of political science, is available to comment on U.S. President Election Day. Lebo says: “If the polls are right – or close to right – Joe Biden is in great position to win the U.S. election. But several key...
Recipe is different but Saturn’s moon Titan has ingredients for life
Catherine Neish is counting the days until her space launch. While the Western planetary geologist isn’t space-suiting up for her own interstellar voyage, she is playing a key role in an international mission – dispatching a robotic drone to Saturn’s moon Titan – set...
Americans with lower education levels suffer more pain than those who are more educated
Americans with a university degree or higher level of education endure substantially less pain than those who are less educated, according to an international study led by Western University. With more than half of U.S. adults reporting chronic pain, the study will...
Expert Explainer: Greta Bauer, PhD, on celebrating a COVID-19-safe Halloween
As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise across Ontario, parents are grappling with how and if they can continue with Halloween traditions in a safe way. Greta Bauer, PhD, Professor at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is an epidemiologist...