With the goal of tackling the devastating challenges presented by climate change, experts from around the globe will gather at the 26th annual Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP26). This UN climate change summit is taking place in Glasgow from October 31...
Month: October 2021
Walking may reduce postpartum depression symptoms
A new Western study suggests brisk walking – as little as 15 minutes a day – may be the answer for many women struggling with PPD, though some severe cases may still require traditional medical care.
100 years of insulin: Experts available to comment on advancements in diabetes research and care
As the world recognizes 100 years since the discovery of insulin, medical and health care experts in London, Ontario have joined forces to tell the story of advancements in diabetes research and care.
Free e-book teaches DIY for solar energy
Epidemiology expert available to comment on standardized proof of vaccination for travel
Western University epidemiologist Dr. Saverio Stranges says he is in full support of the newly announced Canadian COVID-19 proof of vaccination for international travel. “This is the only option to increase international mobility in the safest possible fashion,” says...
Study aims to visualize invisible injury
Researchers to use MRI to pinpoint moral injury effects in brains of health-care workers.
Children’s screen time surged during pandemic
Children have been spending almost triple the recommended amount of screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new Western-led study.
Meteor experts looking for public assistance following meteorite crash in southeastern BC
Western meteorite experts are seeking video footage that may have captured a fireball passing through the sky over SE British Columbia on October 3, 2021.
New study explores transgender youth experiences in Canada
Trans Youth CAN! explores the medical, social and family contexts of trans youth seeking gender-affirming care in Canada. The study followed youth and their families over a two-year period from their first clinic visit, and includes youth referred to ten Canadian clinical sites for medical care that can put a hold on puberty.
Open-source hardware expert champions the future of recyclables and 3D printing
An expert in open-source hardware, 3D printing and solar power technology, Joshua Pearce is Western’s John M. Thompson Chair in Information Technology and Innovation.
Social media expert available to comment on YouTube ban of anti-vaccine information
Anabel Quan-Haase, Western’s Rogers Chair in Studies in Journalism and New Information Technology, is available to media for comment on YouTube ban of anti-vaccine information.