As municipal elections heat up across Ontario, Western University has the following experts available to discuss the elections and special topics related to local politics:
Political Science
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Associate Director, Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance
Areas of Expertise: Municipal politics, political economy of federal infrastructure programs, urban self-government, multi-level urban governance in Canada
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, King’s University College
Areas of Expertise: Municipal politics, media and politics, Canadian public policy, immigration policy, personal financial management, Canadian political institutions
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Director, Local Government Program
Areas of Expertise: Local government, multilevel governance, special purpose bodies
Professor, Department of Political Science, King’s University College
Areas of Expertise: Municipal politics, women in politics, interest groups, social movements
City Planning
PhD Candidate, Department of Geography & Environment
Areas of Expertise: Public transportation and transportation planning, municipal finance, property taxes, parks and recreational facilities, post-secondary education and community benefits
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Director, Centre for Research on Social Inequality
Areas of Expertise: Socio-economic inequality, housing, underrepresented populations
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Areas of Expertise: Housing, changing demographics, population growth, labour market integration
Associate Professor, DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies
Areas of Expertise: Real estate, corporate real estate, housing, urban economic geography
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zadorsky, Media Relations Officer, Western University, 226.377.1673 (mobile),