Western University has the following experts available to speak on topics related to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Indigenous history and Indigenous knowledge.
Vanessa Ambtman-Smith
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies; of mixed Nêhiyaw-Métis ancestry, Treaty 6 Territory
Areas of expertise: Indigenous health, Indigenous healing spaces within hospitals, anti-Indigenous racism.
Candace Brunette-Debassige
Assistant Professor, Education; Mushkego Cree iskwew of Petabeck First Nation (Treaty 9) with Cree and French lineage.
Areas of expertise: Indigenous and decolonial approaches to education, Indigenous methodologies in research, Indigenous approaches to teaching and learning.
Cody Groat
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies, History; Kanyen’kehaka (Mohawk) and band member of Six Nations of the Grand River
Areas of expertise: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, commemoration and preservation of Indigenous cultural heritage, sixties scoop and the residential school system.
Nicole Redvers
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry; Western Research Chair and Director of Indigenous Planetary Health; Member of the Deninu K’ue First Nation
Areas of expertise: Indigenous health, planetary health, impact of forest fires in Indigenous communities.
Chantelle Richmond
Associate Professor, Geography; Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health and the Environment; Biigtigong Nishnaabeg
Areas of expertise: Indigenous health and the environment, environmental repossession, Indigenous knowledge, relational accountability, Indigenous methodologies.
For Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry: Prabhjot Sohal, Media Relations Officer, 519.857.4993 (mobile), psohal5@uwo.ca
For all other departments: Justin Zadorsky, Media Relations Officer, Western University, 226.377.1673 (mobile), jzadorsk@uwo.ca