Western University alumnus Patrick Hickey has been named a recipient of the Rhodes Scholarship, one of only 11 Canadian students to earn the esteemed award this year, Rhodes Trust officials announced this week. Hickey, an Honors Business Administration (HBA) graduate...
Month: November 2019
Big brass sets festive tone for launch of 20th Business Cares Food Drive
Celebrating the launch of London’s 20th annual Business Cares Food Drive, tuba players from Western University’s Don Wright Faculty of Music will kick things off with a festive performance at London Hall on Friday, November 29 at 10 a.m. These talented tubists will...
Major gift to transform emerging field at Western
A major gift by a long-time Western University supporter will be announced Thursday, November 21. The donor will be in attendance and available for interviews, as will university officials, researchers and students. WHAT: Major gift announcement to Western University...
Western-led research team extends life of rechargeable batteries
London, ON – Researchers from Western University, using the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan, found that adding a carbon-based layer to lithium-ion rechargeable batteries extends their life up to 50 per cent. The finding, recently...
First evidence in more than a decade of endangered and ‘weird’ shark traveling to Canada
Named one of the world’s ‘weirdest’ animals by National Geographic, basking sharks are also the second largest shark after the whale shark. They are also Canada’s most endangered marine fish as the Pacific Ocean population is almost extinct. That’s why any...
Western’s 2019 International Week to highlight climate change, immigration, and global partnerships
International Week at Western in November 11 to 15 – a chance to celebrate diversity, highlight international learning opportunities, explore global partnerships, and learn about international research. The annual themed week features more than 60 cultural...
Common muscle relaxant linked to severe confusion in patients with kidney disease
One in 25 patients with very low kidney function were admitted to hospital with severe confusion and other cognitive-related symptoms a few days after being prescribed a common muscle relaxant. A new study from ICES Western, Western University and Lawson Health...
Western-led team investigates interstellar bodies originating from beyond our solar system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPR5uuKMoi4&feature=youtu.be La version française suit. LONDON, Ont. – Astonishingly, not one but two interstellar asteroids have been detected entering our solar system since 2017. The first was given the Hawaiian name ‘Oumuamua,...
New study shows menstrual cycles have no effect on cognitive benefits of exercise
The majority of exercise neuroscience studies (64 per cent) have not included female participants due to the frequently held belief that hormonal fluctuations – linked to menstrual cycles – may lead to inconsistent results and preclude adequate recommendations for...
Community-driven project improves patient outcomes for diabetes in Indigenous communities
A Western University based project has led to significant improvements in health outcomes for people living with diabetes in Indigenous communities across Canada. The FORGE AHEAD project was launched in response to data showing the incidence and prevalence of type 2...