
Stephen Ledgley

Western welcomes students back to London, kicks off O-Week

Western welcomes students back to London, kicks off O-Week

Western University is set to welcome nearly 38,000 students to London in the days ahead as they embark on the 2016 fall term. A full schedule of O-Week activities has been designed for more than 5,200 first-year students to help them get to know their new home,...

Western welcomes new Director of Campus Community Police Service

Western welcomes new Director of Campus Community Police Service

Western University announced the appointment today of Daniel Redmond, as Director of its Campus Community Police Service. Redmond, who recently retired after more than 30 years with the Ontario Provincial Police, was most recently Chief Superintendent and Regional...

Schulich Leader Scholarships awarded to future Western students

Schulich Leader Scholarships awarded to future Western students

This fall, four high-achieving students will begin their undergraduate degrees at Western as recipients of the Schulich Leader Scholarships, a prestigious award given to 50 select students pursuing studies in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) at...

Western announces changes to Homecoming for October 2016

Western announces changes to Homecoming for October 2016

Western University announced today that this year’s Homecoming has been moved to Saturday, Oct. 22 (“Homecoming Saturday”) in an effort to address a variety of concerns associated with the unsanctioned and unsupervised street party that has taken place in recent years...