

Media expert available to comment on covering crime in Canada 

Media expert available to comment on covering crime in Canada 

A superior court justice’s decision to refer to the man convicted in the Toronto van attacks as “John Doe” has sparked a public conversation about naming perpetrators in the media. with There are those advocating for ‘tell-all’ on one side and those  arguing the...

Child sleep experts up all night – so parents don’t have to be 

Child sleep experts up all night – so parents don’t have to be 

A recent study found that more than 90 per cent of parents want to change something about their child’s sleep. Parents are interested in having their child go to bed earlier in the evening, wake less at night or want their baby to nap more during the day. With so many...

U.S. politics expert available to comment on Joe Biden’s inauguration

U.S. politics expert available to comment on Joe Biden’s inauguration

Donald Trump’s presidency ends and Joe Biden will be sworn as the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, January 20. Matthew Lebo, chair of Western University’s department of political science, is available to comment on Biden’s inauguration and his first...

Expert Explainer: Dr. Nitin Mohan on Circuit Breaker Lockdowns

Expert Explainer: Dr. Nitin Mohan on Circuit Breaker Lockdowns

Some experts in Canada are considering a ‘circuit breaker lockdown’ to help control the surging case counts of COVID-19. Dr. Nitin Mohan, Assistant Professor at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, is a physician epidemiologist who teaches...